Your Wellness Journey Starts Now!

Welcome To The DripPub

located in Houston, Texas, we are a cutting-edge IV infusion therapy and lifestyle wellness spa that combines the best of traditional medical treatments with a modern approach.

Vitamin Drips


A healthy body is a result of healthy cells. Healthy cells require a balance of necessary macro and micronutrients. Getting the necessary micronutrients is made easier through the process of IV infusion.

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The Drip Pub

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a procedure that uses a laser, or a concentrated beam of light, to get rid of hair in different areas of the body.

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Semaglutide and Tizerpitide

Semaglutide awaits YOU!

Complimentary Consultaion for a healthier you.

Weight loss

Male and Female Hormone Therapy

Hormone Therapy

Unlock your true potential with our cutting-edge hormone therapy, designed for both men and women seeking balance and vitality. Experience the transformative effects of tailored treatments that boost energy, enhance mood, and improve overall health. Our expert team is dedicated to providing personalized care, ensuring optimal results with the highest safety standards. Embrace a rejuvenated life where you feel stronger, more vibrant, and in harmony with your body's natural rhythm.

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